Goa Tanmar Case Study


Key Achievements :

Managing press coverage and generating momentum during critical periods. Networking with political leaders and grassroots influencers. Driving CSR initiatives and rate finalization processes with community collaboration.

Transparent Communication

We emphasized transparency through: Press releases in Kannada, Marathi and English. Audio-visual content showcasing how farming can coexist with transmission lines. Social media campaigns via WhatsApp.

CSR Activities and Political Engagement : We coordinated CSR activities in collaboration with MLA offices, aligning initiatives with community needs. Meetings were conducted to finalize timelines and implementation strategies in Khanapur and Dharwad.

Media and Influencer Networking : We established connections with journalists and influencers and local panchayat members, to ensure robust media support and grassroots alignment.

Published Stories and Social Media : Our efforts resulted in widespread media stories and impactful social media posts, reinforcing the project's positive perception.

Reaching Farmers and Rural Groups : We prioritized direct communication with farmers and rural groups, addressing their concerns through tailored messages and testimonials.

Micro Outreach Videos : Supportive videos played a crucial role in building trust and dispelling myths about the project.

Conclusion : Through a combination of strategic communication, targeted outreach, and focused execution, we achieved significant progress, ensuring smooth implementation and stakeholder alignment.
